Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Happy 21st, Kate Marie!

Tomorrow is your birthday, and have you come a long way! Fourteen years ago you came home from the hospital for a few hours to celebrate turning seven. You couldn't have cake. If there had been a cake you wouldn't have been able to blow out the candles. A feeding tube took care of breakfast, lunch and dinner; a tube in your trachea kept you from being able to talk, let alone join in singing Happy Birthday to yourself!
In the past 14 years you have accomplished many goals: Learning to sit up again; getting rid of those tubes; standing with crutches. You graduated from high school, learning that it is possible to have your cake and eat it, too. You just have to keep trying, and trying, and trying some more.
So this is a blog that will help you set sights on a new goal -- independence. Where do you want to live? What do you want to do with your life, your talents and perspectives? If you don't know yet, that's ok. Life's a journey; let's figure out where the road will lead.


  1. LOOK I hope you don't think of me as less than you because I can't walk. sorry TO BE RUDE BUT YOU CAN'T hold it against ME because I use a wheelchair full time,OR OTHERS LIKE ME don't YOU think I would have liked to walk on crutches? oh yeah, it Wasn't going to happen. I Have worked extremely all my life.

  2. I feel psychologically safe with you continuing to blog, but have you ever of working getting more pictures of kate walking on crutches or using her special spoon?
